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How to Heal Your Heart Chakra

Writer's picture: Sushanna Jordan Sushanna Jordan

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra in the human energy system. It is through this energy center that love and connect to others and ourselves. Our heart is directly effects our relationships. Another name for the heart chakra is Anahata, which means “unstruck” or unhurt. This chakra is asscoicated with the planet Venus. The planet of love and beauty. The symbol of the heart chakra is a twelve petal lotus with a circle in the middle, commonly depicted with downward triangle overlapping an upward triangle. (shown above) The symbol is a six pointed star called a shatkona. The Anahata is associated with the fourth element, air. Like air the heart chakra deals with ones openness and free flowing energy.

The sound of the heart chakra is YAM, the musical note is F. This chakra is associated the colors green and pink. The Anahata chakra is located at the center of the chest, and associated with the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. It is also associated with the shoulders and upper back. A critical part of balanced heart chakra is a healthy relationship with ones self and healthy boundaries with others. When this chakra is healthy, you love yourself, and are open to giving and receiving love from the people around you.

A quick way to access the fourth chakra is being honest with your emotions. When we are not honest with our emotions our heart chakra becomes blocked. This makes it difficult to be honest with our selves and others, blocking our self from love and compassion. When this chakra is out of balance we began to feel depressed and disconnect from our emotions and our connection with others.

An example of a blocked heart chakra would be becoming closed off and easily emotional, when before they were open and loving. When this chakra is blocked we feel like our joy is blocked. When a heart chakra is overactive one might take on others emotions and suffering, being too compassionate and the expense of themselves. We must have healthy boundaries with others. When the heart chakra is out of balanced, it results in issues relating to the heart and blood. Including, lung and breathing issues, circulatory issues, and all that comes with an unhealthy heart, like heart attacks. Would you like to keep your heart chakra healthy? The best way to heal your heart open your heart love and feeling and expressing your emotions.

Here are some other useful tips to connect with and unblock your heart chakra:


~forgive- moved past pent up and stuck emotions by showing others love

~practice yoga - backbends are the best to open and strengthen the heart chakra. upper back openers like cobra pose help you open up your posture.

~smell the roses, literally! Lavender and rosemary are also effective scents to help improve the heart chakra

~eat greens to help strengthen the heart charka

~carry rose quartz, jade, and aventurine crystals

help protect and connect you to your heart chakra

We can use different mantras to help us open our heart chakra such as:

“My heart is full.”

“Love is all around”

“It is my nature to heal”

Chant “YAM”

Whisper to your heart “Peace, be still.”

In my own experience with the heart chakra, the heart chakra can become closed when there has been trauma or you have been in unsafe environments. This will cause discord in how we build and react in relationships. For example, when we close our heart to others we receive less, resulting in a perpetual cycle of hurt and confusion. The heart chakra is very close to the throat chakra. When these chakras are in balance this provides effective flow of communication our emotions resulting balanced relationships.

In order to receive love you must first love yourself. My favorite thing to do to heal the heart chakra is to express love, gratitude and joy. The more you express yourself with love and compassion towards your self and others- and the more you are able to connect with your heart and your true emotions. Expressing honest compliments, positive affirmations, and gratitude helps us align with are open-hearted nature. This can also happen when we hug eachother. The heart chakra reminds you to be vulnerable, to express and embrace your true emotions. Be true to your heart.

Try these scents and crystals to connect to the heart chakra: Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Chryoprase

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